Tuesday, 28 January 2014

New house!

Our old landlord was a lying asshole and wouldn't let us extend our lease for our last 4 months in Melbourne, which left us in the lovely position of having jobs but nowhere to live and with nobody wanting to rent out for only 4 months.

However, eventually we found a place and we moved in here last weekend. I say "we", but actually I went to work on Saturday morning and when I came home the old room was empty and Mathias had taken it all to the new place and unpacked it. Amazing!

Our new place is SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE!! I am so happy! We no longer share our kitchen or bathroom with anyone else! I do miss Mimi though :(

Here are some pictures:

Here's our cute little street. It is so quiet! Our old street was really noisy, with building work across the street, so this is awesome.

Bedroom with the door that opens onto our tiny patio.
With a comfy chair and a tv so I can catch up on Neighbours ready for a Ramsay Street tour!
Desk, aka "place to put crap" area
Our very own bathroom!
We can leave our toiletries in the bathroom!
We can leave all of our cooking stuff in the kitchen!
And the reason the kitchen is such a mess is because I decided to have homemade soup for lunch. I chopped and fried onion and garlic and then realised that there was no tin opener for my chopped tomatoes. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So now I have half made soup and I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Beasting!!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Wilson's Prom

A couple of weeks ago we went to Wilson's Promontory, which nobody can say and so everyone just calls it Wilson's Prom. It was brilliant! It felt so good to get out of the city and sleep in the tent and the car again and cook random food whilst trying to keep 1000 bugs out of the pan.

We couldn't camp at the park because it was the height of the season so we stayed for one night in a village called Loch... not much to say about it as everything was closed (even the pub!) and we didn't see anyone there at all. We drove 20 minutes to the nearest town to buy some beers for the night :) and we camped beside a cricket ground.

The next day we went to the park and saw lots of amazing beaches. I mean, AMAZING. All day I kept saying "but look at the colour of that water!!" I couldn't get over it. It looked like the beaches you see in adverts for tropical islands.

Darby Beach all to ourselves

Look at the colour of that water!!!

I even got into the sea...

That night we slept just outside the park in the car.

Reliving my youth
The next day we went back to the park and hiked up a mountain! It was feckin roasting but when we finally made it to the top we got a 360 degree view of all the beaches and the forest.

Unfortunately we couldn't enjoy it for long because there were these huge flies up there that kept biting me! OMG WORST THING EVER!! After all that effort I couldn't even sit down and enjoy it because of these damn flies. Apparently they are called March flies and are also known as horse flies. They slash at you to cut you open, then spit their saliva into the wound to make sure the blood keeps flowing and then they just lap it up. Vile.

The other weird thing at the park was we kept hearing this really loud noise. It sounded like aliens might have landed close by and were trying to transmit signals into our brains!! Just as I was about to don my tin foil helmet, a park ranger told us it was an insect called cicada. This is what it sounds like:

So, we had a great time but it was nice to get home and enjoy the air conditioning and real beds. Here are another few pictures from the trip.

We thought these signs were really funny - how could you get all the way to Wilson's Prom without realising they drive on the left here?! Until I was driving around a corner and found a van heading towards us on our lane! Bloody tourists.

Watch out for kangaroos pooing birds

This weekend we are moving to a new flat! And next week the weather is back up to the 40s.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Holy Sweatbox Batman!

Its hot in here!
The weather has been in the +40s this week, its horrible! It feels like you're standing too close to a bonfire. All my shifts at work got cancelled because no visitors want to walk around outside getting crispy whilst watching an elephants balls get sweaty.
Luckily Mathias worked out how to use our air con unit, so we have mostly been hiding in our little fridge, watching movies and eating ice cream.
Everything is supposed to return to normal by Saturday, hopefully!

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Mimi - cat of wonder!

One of the things that I love about Mathias is that he is just as anti social as I am, so rather than making any friends in Melbourne, or even getting to know the 300 asian kids we live with, we just hang out with a cat.

Meet Mimi:

Mimi is the house cat. I have become a little obsessed with making her my friend, and it is finally paying off!

Here she is the first time she came into my room and I was SO happy!

When I got back from Scotland she followed me up to my room for the first time ever and she has done it a few times since! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

You can pretty much always find Mimi outside the gate, lying in the road underneath one of the cars that is parked there (it's a car share spot so the car doesn't get moved much). I've tried reasoning with her and explaining the dangers of lying in the road but she is really stubborn and doesn't listen to me! She gets soooooooooo much attention from passersby because it's such a weird place to sleep. We are pretty sure she just does it for the attention.

Her other favourite place to sleep is Mathias's chest, and who could blame her? Getting in the way of his computer games is just the best!

"Stroke me"
"Stroke me noooooooooooow"
"You're my bitch now"

"Why would you watch tv when you can look at my face?!"
I bought her some fishy treats as part of my plot to gain her friendship. 1-0 to me.

She also loves snuggling...
"Mathias snuggles are so great"
"But Emily snuggles are better!"
"One lick for you, two licks for me"
And our balcony. Here she is walking along the guttering like a crazy bastard:

Mimi: Queen of Purrsia

Mimi loves to have her belly rubbed, which is super weird! She's just like a dog! (obviously I would never say this in front of her or she would claw my face off)
"Stop taking photos and start scratching, bitch!"
That is one happy pussy.

She even saw in the New Year with us :)

"Where's the milk at?"
The worst thing is when I have to go to work and leave these two snuggles buddies:

So there you go. My favourite thing about living in Melbourne, Mimi the awesome cat. I'm already sad about the fact that I will have to leave her in a few months :'( I'm so attached already!

Miss Kitty Fantastico