We now live in a little cow town in the middle of nowhere so don't expect too many updates in the next few months.
The hostel that we're staying at, Delta, is MAD on rules and signs telling you about those rules. There are also cameras everywhere. I don't know what they think is going to happen but whatever it is, they want recorded proof!
As an example of their fondness for signs, let's look at a toilet cubicle. In just one cubicle there are THREE signs telling you what you can and cannot do whilst doing your ones and twos.
One sign says "Use this roll first" another informs you that you should "put toilet paper in the toilet and sanitary towels and tampons in the bin. Thanks." But my personal favourite is this one that guides our Asian cellmates on how to use a western toilet.
Exit the cubicle and you have another barrage of signs telling you how to use the taps and how long to spend in the shower! Lord only knows how I have managed to get by so long without all of these helpful hints for my daily routines.
Love this post! You can't ever have too many signs lol