Sunday, 24 November 2013


It's really difficult to explain our house to people - actually it's pretty hard to understand the layout for us! So I created this excellent diagram to help. I'm sure Mathias will be proud of my 2D computer drawing skills.

As you can see, there are 4 houses that are all connected by covered walk ways. The front doors are never used so we enter by the side street at gate 1 - there is a code on the gate for security.

Immediately to the right are 2 washers and a dryer than we can use free of charge (woop!) and to the left are the bins and washing lines. To enter the houses you need to go through another coded gate (number 2).

To get to our room we walk through the big kitchen, down the 2nd walk way and then through the door on the left and up the stairs. We use the big kitchen, which is house number 2 and 3's kitchens knocked into one, but if it is busy we can use the small kitchen too.

Gate 3 leads to the kitchen that was originally the kitchen of our house but it is not possible to access it anymore. Some of the students that live here get their meals included and I think that is where the woman does the cooking for those meals.

We have a bathroom just down the hall from us but if that is busy then we can use the ones in the kitchen or sometimes Mathias goes to one in another house.

On our floor there are 3 other bedrooms and downstairs there are another 2. The other houses are similar but house 1 has a living room where we an go and socialise (we don't :P) and there is a piano there that some of the students practise on.

So, as you can see it is a bit of a warren! But it works pretty well and we like it.


  1. I'm still confused! does your balcony look out on to cardigan street? trying to figure it out on google maps. Elaine x

    1. Yep! Thats where the front doors are which is why thats my address, even though we dont use them. I hope no robbers are reading this :-P


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